Friday, August 28, 2009


these are captured views of a recent presentation i gave in our department ..

the topic was covered the procedure of lumbar myelography and cerviacal myelography,the findings, and different modalities for spinal cord examination.

basically conventional myelography is...

žInvasive test with associated risks
žHas been largely replaced by MR, which is non-invasive and therefore safer.

but still in cases where MRI is contraindicated and in some units where surgeons prefer conventional is being done.

Water-soluble non-ionic contrast media, which are licensed for intrathecal use (e.g. lohexol), are virtually non-neurotoxic, do not cause epileptic fits and are apparently devoid of arachnoid toxicity.

CT myelography is usually done after conventional myelography which is done under fluorocopic control.

CTM is
žPerformed after intrathecal injection
žCan be performed at any level of vertebral column
žMultiple slices taken (1.5 – 3mm)
›Gantry is tilted
žWindowing allows for density and contrast changes

žCan obtain images with small amounts of contrast
›Can be done 4 hours after initial injection of contrast

MR myelography is noninvasive and...
›Allows direct visualization of spinal cord, nerve roots, and surrounding CSF
›Can be done in various planes

Aid in diagnosis and treatment of neurodisorders

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