Barium enema ... there id thickening of mucosa seen in the region of sigmoid and descending colon...the thickened mucosal folds show overlapping...the appearance also suggests possibility of pseudopolyps...
one of the serious cpmlications of coronary the damage to the wall of coraonary vessel...!!!!!! this is an angiogram taken from a patient whose left main stem got damaged from the catheter and resulted in extravasation of the contrast into the pericardium......
I am Dr.Ummara .I am doing my fellowship in radiology.These are the cases which i performed and found important enough to share or studied and learnt alot from them.
I am uploading this stuff here so that you can guide me or learn a little from this collection.
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life is short so learn to share and try hard to care.....
may Allah bless us all....