Friday, July 31, 2009


IVU study 20 minutes fim..
reveals absence of nephrogram on the right side...
two collecting systems are seen on the left side in the area of left kidney...double moeity.
another nephrogram is seen below the duplex system of left side which appears to be fused with the left kidney...
ureter arising from the left kidney is seen crossing the left iliac bone...
whereas the ureter of lower kidney is seen croosing the lumbar vertebra to reach the iliac bone on right side..then descendind down as a right ureter..
this apperaed to be a case of duplex collecting sysytem on left side and cross fused ectopia ..where right kidney was ectopically present on left side


CT scan axial section..
bone window reveals lytic lesions in the skull bone involving noth the inner and outer tables of skull.
lesion in the occipital bone(shown here) shows sharp bevelled margins.
no extension into the brain was seen
no associated soft tissue thicking seen.
ventricular system was normal..
possibility of histiocytosis could not be excluded


CT scan axial sections of brain with contrast
multiple marginally enhancing well defined hypodense lesions are seeen involving the right temporal and parietal lobes...
keeping in view the history of chronic ear duscharge on right side..possibility of ear infection ascending into the brain could not be excluded...
the ear infection led to the formation of multiple abscesses in the brain parenchyma


CT scan axial sections of brain
a marginally calcified extra dural hematoma is seen in the left frontal region
low attenuation area is seen in left temporofrontal and parietal region
there is mass effect on the ibsilateral lateral ventricle and midline shift...
possibility of extra dural hematoma with infarct of above mentioned areas could not be excluded


CT scan axial sections of chest..both lung and mediastinal windows were taken..
lung window reveals consolidation and collapse of right upper lobe
area of bronchiectasis is seen involving the middle lobe and basilar segments of right lower lobe..
mediastinal window reveals an obvious mediastinal shift to the right side
lower cuts reveal liver's presence on the right side....

a soft tissue density lesion is seen in the right upper lobe which on lung window confirmed to be collapse of upper lobe on right side with an air bronchogram

all above mentioned findings are summed up as...
situs inversus with bronchiectatic changes and element of collapse involving the right lung...
possibility of kartagener's syndrome could not be excluded....
Patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia as seen in kartagener's syndrome exhibit a wide range of defects in ciliary ultrastructure and motility, which ultimately impairs ciliary beating and mucociliary clearance
Kartagener syndrome is characterized by the clinical triad of chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and situs inversus..infertility is also an outcome of immotile cilia.
sometimes...kartagener's is sometimes diagnosed when patient comes for infertility workup...