Tuesday, March 31, 2009


a duplex collecting system is seen in the left kidney with a proximal double ureter on the same side

a radiopacity is seen along the right chest wall..appearing to be outside the lung field bounded by a welldefined straight border----lamellated effusion

barium enema

A filling defect is seen with an irregular mucosal pattern involving the iliocecal region
----colonoscopy was advised...?tuberculosis /crohn's / lymphoma


multiple intracerebral calcifications are seen ..the basal ganglia are calcified ..dentate nucleus of cerebellum is also calcified..

Friday, March 27, 2009


rat-tail appearance suggestive of achalasia involving lower esophagus

CA stomach

CT scans may show the following:
Polypoidal mass with or without ulceration
Focal wall thickening with mucosal irregularity or ulceration
Wall thickening with the absence of normal mucosal folds (infiltrative lesions)
Focal infiltration of the gastric wall
----Carcinoma of the lesser curve.
focal mural thickening due to a tumor plaque is noted.

linnitis plastica

Scirrhous carcinomas typically cause irregular narrowing and rigidity of the stomach, giving rise to the typical linitis plastica, or "leather bottle" appearance


this patient presented with abdomenal pain and diarrhoea
there was a past history of colonoscopy in some other hospital..the diarrhoea started after the invasive procedure...
these follow through images reveal normal stomach somewhat distended
a diverticulum is seen at the duodenojejunal area
most of the small intestinal loops are shifted to the left side
the large gut started to fill with contrast at 1 hr indicating a short transit time .the large gut was filled even before some of the ileal loops so giving a picture of a fistula not visible in the images thought to be connecting the ileal loops to the large goot..? post traumatic fistula(trauma from colonoscopy)

---a diverticulum is seen at the duodenojejunal area
this area was persistently filled with contrast..confirming it to be an outpouching...i.e. a diverticulum
patient was advised further workup.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009


CT spine

reveals a lytic lesion involving the left pedicle and part of transcerse process.
the lesion is expansile,has a central area of sclerosis and is causing adjacent cortical destruction.

barium follow through

long tubular structures are seen in the intestinal lumen.

suggestive of worms in small intestine



A diverticulum is seen in the second part of duodenum

note the continuity of mucosa and its regular pattern


barium follow through

there is irregularity of mucosal pattern on rt side in small intestinal loops

the barium column is patchy

---? infective disease process/tuberculosis/??cronn's disease

CT brain without contrast

patient presented with headache
findings include subarachnoid hemorrhage in suprasellar region
intraventricular extension is seen in right
lateral ventricle
fluid level is clearly visible


vesicoureteric reflux is seen in decending urethrography
the bladder is filling with contrast normally
there is dilatation of proxinal posterior urethra-incompetent posterior urethral valve
no contrast is entering distal urethra ?stricture

ascending urethrograpm in same patient.
kink is seen at junction of anterior and posterior uretha with extravasation in the surrounding soft tissues
no contrast is entering the posterior urethra-stricture

history revealed a boy falling from a tree fall from a tree

Thursday, March 5, 2009


micturating cysourethrogram was done in this child.
there was grade 4 reflux of contrast as seen above..the contrast entered the kidneys.
the kidneys appear to be displaced inferiorly and hydronephrosed.there is marked hydroureter bilaterally.
a narrowing is seen at the junction of posterior urethre with the bladder
complementary ultrasound revealed posterior urethral valve


stricture is seen involving the middle and lower part of esophagus appearing irregular
the distal end shows shouldering.the proximal end shows a filling defect
? CA esophagus